Golf basic swing tips - The pride of the long hitters game is hitting it long

Golf basic swing tips - The pride of the long hitters game is hitting it long

Hit it straight
Nothing gets inside a long hitters head faster then a fairway hitting opponent.  Chances are the long hitter is not the most accurate driver of the golf ball, keep the heat on by hitting the fairway as much as possible. If you have to use a hybrid club or a iron off the tee to keep the ball in the fairway, the mental edge of hitting the fairway outweighs the loss of distance.

Have a good short game
The short game is the true equalizer on the golf course.  If you have a sharp short game you can compete against any golfer on the planet.

Ignore his distance
Accept the fact the he hits the ball 50 to 60 yards past you.  What difference does it make if he is hitting a pitching wedge and you are hitting a 7 iron for your second shot?  When you are playing a match against a long hitter, and lets face it, with the technology in golf clubs, golf balls, strength training and nutrition, guys are hitting the ball 300 plus yards on a regular basis.  Does it really matter what club it takes you to hit a golf ball 150 yards?